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Antonyms Questions Answers Online Quiz Test

  • 1. Antonym of APPLAUD

    1. Praise
    2. Loud
    3. Acclaim
    4. Censure
  • 2. Antonym of JADE

    1. Defend
    2. Cheer
    3. Grasp
    4. Harass
  • 3. Antonym of PACIFY

    1. Threaten
    2. Challenge
    3. Quarrel
    4. Enrage
  • 4. Antonym of APPARENT

    1. Ambiguous
    2. Clear
    3. Visible
    4. Conspicuous
  • 5. Antonym of ATHEIST

    1. Rationalist
    2. Theologist
    3. Ritualistic
    4. Believer
  • 6. Antonym of GIGANTIC

    1. Tiny
    2. Fragile
    3. Slight
    4. Weak
  • 7. Antonym of ILLICIT

    1. Liberal
    2. Lawful
    3. Intelligent
    4. Clear
  • 8. Antonym of CALLOUS

    1. Soft
    2. Kind
    3. Sensitive
    4. Generous
  • 9. Antonym of ENIGMATIC

    1. Simple
    2. Reticent
    3. Plain
    4. Nervous
  • 10. Antonym of Abundant

    1. Short
    2. Meagre
    3. Limited
    4. Petty
  • 11. Antonym of HARASS

    1. Reward
    2. Praise
    3. Flatter
    4. Relieve
  • 12. Antonym of CHARMING

    1. Insolent
    2. Indignant
    3. Repulsive
    4. Handicapped
  • 13. Antonym of GRUESOME

    1. Attractive
    2. Gracious
    3. Amicable
    4. Beneficial
  • 14. Antonym of DESPISE

    1. Appease
    2. Flatter
    3. Admire
    4. Appreciate
  • 15. Antonym of CUBERSOME

    1. Heavy
    2. Convenient
    3. Smooth
    4. Automatic
  • 16. Antonym of LOQUACIOUS

    1. Talkative
    2. Tacitum
    3. Bashful
    4. Diffident
  • 17. Antonym of INTELLIGIBLE

    1. Confused
    2. Foolish
    3. Garbled
    4. Dull
  • 18. Antonym of PHILANTHROPIST

    1. Miser
    2. Spendthrift
    3. Moralist
    4. Philistine
  • 19. Antonym of ANXIOUS

    1. Fearful
    2. Calm
    3. Unconcerned
    4. Concerned
  • 20. Antonym of ABUNDANCE

    1. Wretchedness
    2. Poverty
    3. Famine
    4. Scarcity
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