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Synonyms Questions Answers Online Quiz Test

  • 1. Synonym of Incredulous

    1. Dishonest
    2. Honest
    3. Reliable
    4. Unreliable
  • 2. Synonym of Vituperate

    1. Abuse
    2. Appreciate
    3. Copy
    4. Encourage
  • 3. Synonym of Latent

    1. apparent
    2. manifest
    3. concealed
    4. obvious
  • 4. Synonym of Sporadic

    1. methodical
    2. continuous
    3. occasional
    4. constant
  • 5. Synonym of Resume

    1. complete
    2. a new start
    3. halt
    4. cease
  • 6. Synonym of Melange

    1. mixture of medley
    2. optical illusion
    3. desert
    4. household
  • 7. Synonym of Lethargy

    1. laxity
    2. vivacity
    3. awakening
    4. vitality
  • 8. Synonym of Ameliorate

    1. worsen
    2. to appease
    3. aggravate
    4. to improve
  • 9. Synonym of Emulate

    1. deny
    2. imitate
    3. neglect
    4. question
  • 10. Synonym of Unalloyed

    1. misleading
    2. absolutely pure and complete
    3. counterfeit
    4. dubious
  • 11. Synonym of Enigmatic

    1. puzzling
    2. obvious
    3. displeased
    4. explicit
  • 12. Synonym of Prognosis

    1. identification
    2. measurement
    3. scheme
    4. calculation
  • 13. Synonym of Aromatic

    1. unsavory
    2. fragrant
    3. stinking
    4. flavorless
  • 14. Synonym of Ostentatious

    1. moderate
    2. plain
    3. showy
    4. noisy
  • 15. Synonym of Buoyant

    1. child-like
    2. down
    3. heavy-hearted
    4. light- hearted
  • 16. Synonym of Pilfer

    1. steal
    2. return
    3. receive
    4. keep
  • 17. Synonym of Emaciated

    1. overweight
    2. overnourished
    3. very thin
    4. chubby
  • 18. Synonym of Incite

    1. soothe
    2. arouse or stir up
    3. dampen
    4. prohibit
  • 19. Synonym of Wield

    1. to use with full effect
    2. misuse
    3. idle
    4. cease
  • 20. Synonym of Estranged

    1. unite
    2. combine
    3. mild
    4. engage
    5. separated
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