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Synonyms Questions Answers Online Quiz Test

  • 1. Synonym of PUNGENT

    1. Sharp
    2. Mild
    3. Palatable
    4. Impede
  • 2. Synonym of PUERILE

    1. Arrogant
    2. Excited
    3. Wise
    4. Childish
  • 3. Synonym of PROSCRIBE

    1. Solicit
    2. Prohibit
    3. Permit
    4. Paucity
  • 4. Synonym of PROFLIGATE

    1. Huge
    2. Hard working
    3. Immoral
    4. Ethical
  • 5. Synonym of PRESUMPTUOUS

    1. Mellow
    2. Arrogant
    3. Modest
    4. Bashful
  • 6. Synonym of PIQUE

    1. Displeasure
    2. Pleasure
    3. Rejoice
    4. Common
  • 7. Synonym of PERTNESS

    1. Impudence
    2. Petulance
    3. Petulance
    4. Willing
  • 8. Synonym of PERIL

    1. Ordinary
    2. Safety
    3. Caution
    4. Danger
  • 9. Synonym of PLACID

    1. Plain
    2. Calm
    3. Hostile
    4. Volatile
  • 10. Synonym of QUAINT

    1. Odd
    2. Normal
    3. Common
    4. Inferior
  • 11. Synonym of QUACK

    1. Discharge
    2. Exhausted
    3. Knave
    4. Upright
  • 12. Synonym of QUASH

    1. Secret
    2. Permit
    3. Withhold
    4. Revoke
  • 13. Synonym of QUEER

    1. Strange
    2. Common
    3. Danger
    4. Sullen
  • 14. Synonym of RUTHLESS

    1. Compose
    2. Compassionate
    3. Savage
    4. Lenient
  • 15. Synonym of RUSTIC

    1. Quarrelsome
    2. Rural
    3. Urban
    4. Refined
  • 16. Synonym of REVERENCE

    1. Respect
    2. Dishonour
    3. Affront
    4. Revoke
  • 17. Synonym of RESENTMENT

    1. Joyous
    2. Cheer
    3. Wrath
    4. Pleasure
  • 18. Synonym of REPUGNANT

    1. Agree
    2. Offensive
    3. Tasteful
    4. Disagree
  • 19. Synonym of REDRESS

    1. Revoke
    2. Retribution
    3. Harm
    4. Remedy
  • 20. Synonym of RAZE

    1. Happy
    2. Destroy
    3. Build
    4. Annoy
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