• RBI GRADE B Officers Exam - Tips and Strategy

    Updated : 24-Oct-2017

    RBI Grade B officers Recruitment

     RBI has the Grade B Officer Cadre online examination and interview to get selected for the mentioned post. It is the most aggressively contested exam in India and so is the difficulty level of it.  The candidates who are planning to appear  for the examination are advised to take their preparations seriously from now onwards, as the severity of competition for this examination is expected to be quite tough with huge number of people appearing in the examination. Unlike other exams, there is no segregation of equal number of questions in 4 sections in it.

    RBI Grade B officers Examination Pattern 

    The Question Paper will be divided into 4 sections i.e.

    1. Quantitative Aptitude
    2. Reasoning,
    3. English
    4. General Awareness.

    RBI Grade B officers Preparation Tips and Tricks

    There are few tips and basic strategies if adhered, can help the candidates score well in the examination and make their chances higher to crack the written examination.

     Prepare your subject well: While you are quite up for the written examination and are gearing to prepare for it, you must have a clear idea about the subject matter in the given area. There are five sections in the test in which would be objective type questions. To successfully solve these questions carrying 200 marks, the aspirants would get 120 minutes for it. The subjects would be

    1. Reasoning,
    2. English Language,
    3. Numerical Ability,
    4. General Awareness.

    Focus on your difficult areas: As they say - Practice makes a man perfect. Constant practice would let you apprehend your weakness among the subjects. All you need to do to score well - Give more time and effort to the subject you think you are weak in. This will make you more proficient in the areas which you feel you had difficulty, and you never know when you will be quite proficient by inculcating these basic rules for all your subjects and where you need area of improvement.

    Get Informed with Online Exam Pattern: Many of the aspirants, even those who have earlier appeared for banking exams, might find RBI Grade B Officers Exam examination difficult as exam’s complexity level has changed also its  changed from offline to Online.

    There are many candidates who are not that much well versed with computers, which might cause a hindrance to them while giving the examination. To elucidate it further, all you need to do is to practice. You can easily solve mock test papers and exam sets which could give you the confidence and the feel of real-time online examination. Most of these sample test papers are available online as well.

    Time Management is Key: If you are willing to take the examination and score well in it, the most crucial thing would be to manage your time. You would get less than a minute’s time to solve a question and you need to be very precise while answering it. Hence, all you need to have is a strong grip in whatever question you are planning to attempt in your exam. You might not be able to achieve finesse in your initial attempts, but regular practice in your areas of improvement would help you to follow your goal aggressively. You need to have a coo-coo clock ticking always beside you while you are preparing for the examination.

    Become an avid reader: To beat the heat, all you need to be is in the right spot. The general awareness exam along with the English Language paper, demands you to become an avid profound reader. The more you practice reading for it, the more it would help you in solving the questions giving you proper ideas and solutions about it.

    The reading habit should be developed in the course of time and after selection of contents the candidate must go through all of it thoroughly. Reading regular English newspapers, journals, web magazines, blogs and news websites gives the candidate a fair idea about the current affairs and builds confidence to help prepare them well in English language as well.

    Go for techniques and Strategies: Solving questions with Numerical Ability and Reasoning paper without prior preparation is quite a tough hill task to break. All you need to have is proper tools to break through while solving the questions related with tricks and strategies.

    The old school straightforward way to think and answering these type of questions may lead you to time constraints and you might miss answers that you know but couldn’t attempt because of the lack of time. Go for tried and tested techniques available in books, journals, blogs and many other sources that might help you crack the questions quite easily.

    You can also take some professional help for the same and enroll yourself into any of the good institute providing banking examination training.

    Go sequentially and Keep an Eye on the progress: The Online Examination pattern has made it clar and mandatory that the candidate can see one question at a time. The moment a aspirant shifts from one question to the other one there is a certain time-gap that occurs between the two questions.

    This time gets lost every time a candidate shifts quickly through questions. Hence, it is best advised to go sequentially to attend the questions. If you check thoroughly, on the right hand side of the screen the candidates might get all the details of their ongoing progress with the questions.

    If someone wishes to leave or skip a question and move to the next, they can always come back to the question later on to solve the same. This might save enormous time of the candidates which could get used for tougher questions later as well.

    Keep your routine going: If you are to be successful, all you need to be is disciplined. For any successful glory there should be a proper discipline and routine in your life, without which anything could never get achieved. You should maintain your preparation and practice constantly to get through them. Along with studies you should also invest your time to constantly reading new material available from any reliable sources which will help you in long run.