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Biology Questions Answers Online Quiz Test

  • 1. The blood pressure of normal human is ?

    1. 120 / 80
    2. 110 / 90
    3. 120 / 90
    4. 110 / 80
  • 2. Which is not a type of protein ?

    1. Simple Protein
    2. Complex Protein
    3. Conjugated Protein
    4. Derived Protein
  • 3. Scurvy is caused by deficiency of ?

    1. Vitamin A
    2. Vitamin C
    3. Vitamin D
    4. Vitamin E
  • 4. Rickets is caused by deficiency of ?

    1. Vitamin A
    2. Vitamin C
    3. Vitamin D
    4. Vitamin E
  • 5. Non-clotting of blood is caused by deficiency of ?

    1. Vitamin A
    2. Vitamin C
    3. Vitamin E
    4. Vitamin K
  • 6. Who invented Vitamin ?

    1. F.G. Hopkins
    2. Mc. Collum
    3. Holst
    4. Ronald Ross
  • 7. Who invented Insulin ?

    1. Christian Bernard
    2. Stenach
    3. Edwards and Stepto
    4. Banting
  • 8. Who invented Polio Vaccine ?

    1. Harrison and Sympson
    2. Johan E. Salk
    3. Luvenhauk - Leeuwenhock
    4. Karl Landsteiner
  • 9. The poison of honey bee is ?

    1. Acidic
    2. Saltish
    3. Alkaline
    4. Protein
  • 10. Beri-Beri is caused by the lack of vitamin ?

    1. Vitamin B2
    2. Vitamin A
    3. Vitamin C
    4. Vitamin B1
  • 11. Which is not a part of blood ?

    1. RBC
    2. WBC
    3. Plasma
    4. Placenta
  • 12. Influenza is caused by ?

    1. Fungus
    2. Bacteria
    3. Virus
    4. Algae
  • 13. Eggs is not a source of ?

    1. Fats
    2. Vitamin C
    3. Vitamin D
    4. Protein
  • 14. Quinine is extracted from the bark of :

    1. Neem
    2. Cedar
    3. Eucalyptus
    4. Cinchona
  • 15. Milk fever in cow is caused due to the deficiency of ?

    1. Sodium
    2. Calcium
    3. Phosphorus
    4. Nitrogen
  • 16. Bronchitis is a disease of ?

    1. Blood
    2. Bladder
    3. Respiratory tract
    4. Liver
  • 17. Which part of the human body coordinates the functions of various organs ?

    1. Kidneys
    2. Brain
    3. Liver
    4. Heart
  • 18. Which part of eye becomes inflamed and pink when dust gets into it ?

    1. Choroids
    2. Cornea
    3. Sclerotic
    4. Conjunctiva
  • 19. What provides instant energy ?

    1. Fat
    2. Carbohydrates
    3. Protein
    4. Vitamin
  • 20. White blood corpuscles are used by our body ?

    1. to carry oxygen
    2. to dissolve protiens
    3. to combat infection
    4. to help liver work
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