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World History Questions Answers Online Quiz Test

  • 1. French Revolution was started in the Year ?

    1. 1786
    2. 1787
    3. 1788
    4. 1789
  • 2. Young Italy movement by led by two revolutionaries, One was "Mazzini" and Other was ?

    1. Garibaldi
    2. Victor
    3. Emmanuel
    4. Louis
  • 3. Rome was liberated by the Italian soldiers in the year ?

    1. 1869
    2. 1870
    3. 1871
    4. 1872
  • 4. When did World War 2 start ?

    1. 1937
    2. 1938
    3. 1939
    4. 1940
  • 5. When was Bulkan War II fought ?

    1. 1912
    2. 1913
    3. 1914
    4. 1915
  • 6. Who is known as Man of Blood and Iron ?

    1. Napoleon
    2. Bismarck
    3. Ho Chi Minh
    4. Sir Walter Scott
  • 7. In which year Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany ?

    1. 1932
    2. 1933
    3. 1944
    4. 1945
  • 8. Who was the author of the "American Declaration of Independence" ?

    1. Jefferson
    2. Lafayette
    3. George Washington
    4. Thomas Paine
  • 9. The Renaissance scientist who explained how planets moved around the sun was ?

    1. Kepler
    2. Rebelais
    3. Francis Bacorr
    4. Gutenberg
  • 10. Russian revolutionary, who founded the Communist Party was

    1. Karl Marx
    2. Stalin
    3. Lenin
    4. Trotsky
  • 11. Who is also known as the founder of scientific socialism ?

    1. Karl Marx
    2. Lenin
    3. Rousseau
    4. Engels
  • 12. Who said that " Man is a political animal" ?

    1. Aristotle
    2. Karl Marx
    3. Lenin
    4. Plato
  • 13. In which country Aztec civilization was originated ?

    1. Greece
    2. USA
    3. Mexico
    4. Egypt
  • 14. Who was the Emperor of Russia during Russia revolution ?

    1. Nicholas I
    2. Nicholas II
    3. Alexander I
    4. Alexander II
  • 15. What is the name first Roman Emperor ?

    1. Claudius
    2. Augustus
    3. Caligula
    4. Nero
  • 16. Who is known as "Father of History" ?

    1. Mark Antony
    2. Nero
    3. Herodotus
    4. Homer
  • 17. What is the name of autobiography of Adolf Hitler ?

    1. First Attack
    2. Mein Kampf
    3. My Spirit
    4. Ray of Hope
  • 18. Who was the last Emperor of Rome ?

    1. Nero
    2. Ceaser
    3. Romulus Augustulus
    4. Julius
  • 19. The Parliament of Great Britain was formed in the year ?

    1. 1705
    2. 1706
    3. 1707
    4. 1708
  • 20. The historical monument Al Khazneh is located in which city ?

    1. Giza
    2. Tehran
    3. Baghdad
    4. Petra
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