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Question Detail

Ketan is answering the question.

  • The question was answered by ketan
  • The question is answered by ketan
  • The question is been answered by ketan
  • The question is being answered by ketan
  • The question was being answered by ketan
Similar Questions :

1. He arrived at the conclusion.

  • The conclusion was arrived at by him.
  • The conclusion arrived at by him.
  • The conclusion had arrived at by him.
  • The conclusion have arrived at by him.

2. Who wrote this book ?

  • By whom is this book written ?
  • By whom was this book written ?
  • By who was this book written ?
  • By whom were this book written ?

3. He asked me what my post was.

  • I get asked what my post was.
  • I could asked what my post was.
  • I was asked what my post was.
  • I had asked what my post was.

4. His hard work satisfied me.

  • I was satisfied for his hard work.
  • I was satisfied by his hard work.
  • I was satisfied with his hard work.
  • I was satisfied at his hard work.

5. The police caught the culprit.

  • The culprit were caught be the police.
  • The culprit was caught be the police.
  • The culprit caught be the police.
  • The culprit had caught be the police.
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