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Computer System Architecture Questions Answers Online Quiz Test

  • 1. __ is a single control line that informs destination unit that a valid is available on the bus ?

    1. Ping
    2. Token
    3. Handshake
    4. Strobe
  • 2. Which technique has one or more control signal for acknowledgement that is used for intimation ?

    1. Ftp
    2. Ping
    3. Strobe
    4. Handshaking
  • 3. A keyboard has which type of asynchronous transfer mode ?

    1. Serial
    2. Parralel
    3. Optimal
    4. Joint
  • 4. Which technique helps processor to run a program concurrently with input output operations ?

    1. IOP
    2. DMA
    3. Interrupt driven I/O
    4. DCA
  • 5. Which exception is also known software interrupt ?

    1. Trap
    2. Call
    3. System Call
    4. All of above
  • 6. User programs interact with I/O devices through ?

    1. Operating System
    2. Hardware
    3. Buses
    4. Processor
  • 7. Which table handle store address of interrupt handling subroutine ?

    1. Vector table
    2. Symbol link table
    3. Interrupt vector table
    4. None of above
  • 8. Which interrupt establishes a priority over the various sources to determine which request should be entertained first ?

    1. Polling
    2. Daisy chaining
    3. Priority interrupt
    4. All of above
  • 9. Which technique is used that identifies the highest priority resource by means of software ?

    1. Daisy chaining
    2. Polling
    3. Priority
    4. Chaining
  • 10. Which method is used to establish priority by serially connecting all devices that request an interrupt ?

    1. Interrupt
    2. Polling
    3. Priority
    4. Daisy chaining
  • 11. What is meaning of "VAD" ?

    1. Velocity Address
    2. Viscous Address
    3. Vector Address
    4. Volatile Address
  • 12. What is meaning of DMAC ?

    1. Dual memory access controller
    2. Direct memory access controller
    3. Direct memory access computer
    4. Direct memory accumulator controller
  • 13. What is meaning of IOP ?

    1. Input output processor
    2. Input output product
    3. Input output producer
    4. Input output processing
  • 14. Which refers the execution of various software process concurrently ?

    1. IOP
    2. DCP
    3. Multiprocessor
    4. Serial Communication
  • 15. Which is used for this and known as high speed buffer exist with almost each process ?

    1. Primary
    2. Secondary
    3. Cache
    4. RAM
  • 16. In which condition only one process holds a resource at a given time ?

    1. Circular queue
    2. Hold and Wait
    3. Mutual exclusion
    4. Non preemption
  • 17. In which condition one process holds the allocated resources and other waits for it ?

    1. Non preemption
    2. Mutual exclusion
    3. Hold and wait
    4. All of above
  • 18. What is meaning of PCB ?

    1. Process control block
    2. Preempitive control block
    3. Process close block
    4. Process carrying block
  • 19. Arithmetic instruction are used to perform operation on ?

    1. Non Numerical data
    2. Numerical data
    3. Both of above
    4. None of above
  • 20. What Mnemonic represents ?

    1. Strings
    2. Physical Address
    3. Operation Address
    4. Operation codes
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