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Database Question Answers - Chapter 1 Online Quiz Test

  • 1. If a relation scheme is in BSNF then it is also in

    1. First normal form
    2. Second normal form
    3. Third normal form
    4. Not in any normal form
  • 2. Attribute of one table matching to the primary key of other table, is called as

    1. foreign key
    2. secondary key
    3. candidate key
    4. composite key
  • 3. Allocation map

    1. Used to store program data
    2. specifies which blocks are used by which file
    3. is updated by application programs
    4. allow programs to erase files
  • 4. The master list of an indexed file

    1. is sorted in ascending order
    2. contains only a list of keys and record numbers
    3. has a number assigned to each record
    4. none of above
  • 5. Database management systems are used to

    1. eliminate data redundancy
    2. establish relationships among records in different files
    3. manage file access
    4. none of above
  • 6. Ascending order of data hierarchy is

    1. bit->byte->record->field->file->database
    2. bit->byte->field->record->file->database
    3. byte->bit->field->record->file->database
    4. byte->bit->field->file->record->database
  • 7. Which is not a logical database structure

    1. Chain
    2. Tree
    3. Relational
    4. Network
  • 8. Embedded pointer provides

    1. a secondary access path
    2. a physical record key
    3. an inverted index
    4. all of above
  • 9. Network structure

    1. is a physical representation of data
    2. is conceptually simple
    3. allows many to many relationships
    4. none of above
  • 10. File record length

    1. should always be fixed
    2. should always be variable
    3. should be chosen to match the data character
    4. depends upon the size of file
  • 11. Data management system may be implemented as

    1. system software
    2. application software
    3. computer program
    4. all of above
  • 12. RAID configurations of a disk are used to provide

    1. fault tolerance
    2. high speed
    3. high data density
    4. none of above
  • 13. Which among following is an approach for standardizing storing of data

    1. MIS
    2. Structured programming
    3. CODASYL specifications
    4. None of above
  • 14. Which among following contains a complete record of all activity that affected the contents of a database during a creation period of time

    1. report writer
    2. query language
    3. DML
    4. transaction log
  • 15. The logical structure with one to many relationships is a

    1. network
    2. tree
    3. chain
    4. relational
  • 16. Which normal form is considered adequate for normal relational database design

    1. 2NF
    2. 5NF
    3. 3NF
    4. 4NF
  • 17. Transaction processing was made possible by the development of

    1. direct access storage
    2. magnetic tape
    3. cash register input
    4. minicomputers
  • 18. Physical location of a record in database is determined with the help of

    1. B tree file
    2. Indexed file
    3. Hashed file
    4. sequential file
  • 19. Modify operation is likely to be done after

    1. Delete
    2. Lookup
    3. Indexing
    4. Insertion
  • 20. Which among following is not a relational database

    1. dBase IV
    2. 4th Dimention
    3. FoxPro
    4. Reflex
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