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Indian Economy Questions Answers Online Quiz Test

  • 1. Approx __ % of Indian population is still Agriculturist.

    1. 46%
    2. 50%
    3. 58%
    4. 64%
  • 2. Contribution of agriculture to Gross National Product is approximately ?

    1. 14%
    2. 15%
    3. 16.5%
    4. 17.5%
  • 3. How much population is living below poverty line in India ?

    1. Approx 24%
    2. Approx 25%
    3. Approx 26%
    4. Approx 27%
  • 4. The best indicator of economic development of any country is ?

    1. Its agriculture
    2. Its transport
    3. Its gross production
    4. Its per capita income
  • 5. What is the mainstay of Indian economy ?

    1. Manufacturing
    2. Business
    3. Public sector
    4. Agriculture
  • 6. India is the largest milk producing country in the world .

    1. True
    2. False
  • 7. Who was the father of Operation Flood ?

    1. Dr. Norman Borlaug
    2. Dr. M.S. Swaminathan
    3. Dr. Verghese Kurien
    4. Dr. William Gande
  • 8. The increase in oil seeds production was due to ?

    1. White revolution
    2. Yellow revolution
    3. Green revolution
    4. Brown revolution
  • 9. The progress in increase of fish production was called

    1. Yellow revolution
    2. White revolution
    3. Brown revolution
    4. Blue revolution
  • 10. Which state is the biggest tea producer in the country ?

    1. Andhra Pradesh
    2. Sikkim
    3. Assam
    4. West Bengal
  • 11. India holds the third position in production of Sugar cane.

    1. True
    2. False
  • 12. National Agriculture Insurance Scheme was implemented on

    1. Oct. 1997
    2. Oct. 1998
    3. Oct. 1999
    4. Oct. 2000
  • 13. Which is not a Kharif Crop ?

    1. Jowar
    2. Maize
    3. Groundnut
    4. Wheat
  • 14. The data of estimation of India's National income is issued by ?

    1. Planning Commision
    2. National Data Center
    3. Central Statistical Organsation
    4. None of above
  • 15. The concept of Economic Planning in India is derived from ?

    1. USA
    2. UK
    3. Australia
    4. Russia
  • 16. First five year plan in India was from

    1. 1947 - 1952
    2. 1949 - 1954
    3. 1950 - 1955
    4. 1951 - 1956
  • 17. First five year plan was based on ?

    1. Herold -Domar Model
    2. P.C. Mahalanobis Model
    3. Both of above
    4. None of above
  • 18. Which five year plan is also known as "Gadgil Yojana" ?

    1. Second Five Year Plan
    2. Third Five Year Plan
    3. Fourth Five Year Plan
    4. Fifth Five Year Plan
  • 19. Which five year plan focused on "Growth with social justice and equity".

    1. Ninth Five Year Plan
    2. Eight Five Year Plan
    3. Seventh Five Year Plan
    4. Sixth Five Year Plan
  • 20. Planning Commission was constituted on ?

    1. 15 March, 1948
    2. 15 March, 1949
    3. 15 March, 1950
    4. 15 March, 1951
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