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Question Detail

Each of the following questions consists of a statement followed by two arguments I and II.

Give answer:
(A) If only argument I is strong
(B) If only argument II is strong
(C) If either I or II is strong
(D) If neither I nor II is strong and
(E) If both I and II are strong.

Statement : Should number of holidays of government employees be reduced ?
Arguments : I. Yes. Our government employees are having maximum number of holidays among the other countries of the world.
II. Yes. It will lead to increased productivity of government offices.

  • Only argument I is strong
  • Only argument II is strong
  • Either I or II is strong
  • Neither I nor II is strong
  • Both I and II are strong
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  • Prof. TVK Bhanuprakash 9 years ago

    The productivity of an organization is not directly reduced by the number of holidays. SO B is not strong. A is also not strong. So the answer should be D