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Question Detail

User programs interact with I/O devices through ?

  • Operating System
  • Hardware
  • Buses
  • Processor
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  • Register select
  • Chip select
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  • Less significant data
  • Less significant digit
  • Least significant data
  • Least significant digit

3. ____ processor has to check continuously till device becomes ready for transferring the data ?

  • DMA
  • Interrupt-initiated I/O
  • IOP
  • DCP

4. In which of the following status flags required for data transfer are present ?

  • Interface Circuit
  • Parallel Line
  • Device Circuit
  • None of Above

5. Which technique has one or more control signal for acknowledgement that is used for intimation ?

  • Ftp
  • Ping
  • Strobe
  • Handshaking
Read more from - Computer System Architecture Questions Answers
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