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C Programming Questions Answers - Chapter 1 Online Quiz Test

  • 1. If (*p) and **p is same

    1. No
    2. Yes
  • 2. Difference between structure and union is

    1. We can define functions within structures but not within a union
    2. We can define functions within union but not within a structure
    3. The way memory is allocated
    4. There is no difference
  • 3. What among following is true about stack

    1. stack cannot reuse its memory
    2. all elements are of different datatypes
    3. all operation done at one end
    4. none of above
  • 4. To access the members of structure which symbol is used

    1. *
    2. -
    3. ,
    4. .
  • 5. A member is a

    1. Variable in a structure
    2. Datatype of structure
    3. Structure pointer
    4. None of above
  • 6. Structures can be used

    1. to hold different datatypes
    2. have pointers to structures
    3. to assign to one another
    4. all of above
  • 7. UML meaning is

    1. Unique modeling language
    2. Unified modeling language
    3. Unified modern language
    4. Unified master laqnguage
  • 8. printf() belongs to which library of c

    1. stdlib.h
    2. stdio.h
    3. stdout.h
    4. stdoutput.h
  • 9. A variable in c

    1. must have a valid datatype
    2. can't have a name same as keyword
    3. must have a name starting with a character
    4. All of above
  • 10. What is correct order of precedence in C

    1. Addition, Division, Modulus
    2. Addition, Modulus, Division
    3. Multiplication, Substration, Modulus
    4. Modulus, Multiplication, Substration
  • 11. What is true about fputs function

    1. write to a file
    2. takes two parameters
    3. requires a file pointer
    4. all of above
  • 12. Adding to a pointer that points to an array will

    1. Cause an error
    2. Increase the value of the element that the pointer is pointing to
    3. Cause the pointer to point to the next element in the array
    4. None of above
  • 13. Which is invalid name of identifier

    1. world
    2. addition23
    3. test_name
    4. factorial
  • 14. What is dangling pointer in c

    1. if pointer is pointing to a memory location from where variable has been deleted
    2. if pointer is assigned to more than one variable
    3. if pointer is not defined properly
    4. none of above
  • 15. Wild pointer in C

    1. if pointer is pointing to a memory location from where variable has been deleted
    2. if pointer has not been initialized
    3. if pointer has not defined properly
    4. if pointer pointing to more than one variable
  • 16. Disadvantage of array in C is

    1. We can easily access each element
    2. It is necessary to declare too many variables
    3. It can store only one similar type of data
    4. None of above
  • 17. What is prototype of a function in C

    1. It is the return type of a function
    2. It is the return data of the function
    3. It is declaration of a function
    4. It is a datatype
  • 18. Any type of modification on the parameter inside the function will reflect in actual variable value can be related to

    1. call by value
    2. call by reference
    3. both of above
    4. none of above
  • 19. Size of void pointer is

    1. 1 byte
    2. 2 byte
    3. 4 byte
    4. 8 byte
  • 20. What is wild pointer in c

    1. a pointer which we need to write in future
    2. a pointer which has bad naming convention
    3. a pointer which has no limit
    4. a point which has not initialized
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