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Sentence Correction

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  • Pankaj Verma 7 years ago

    Very use full collection sir thanking u .

  • Praval Sharma 7 years ago

    In question 39....answer should be D

  • Asish Karmakar 7 years ago

    nice collection but there is no explanation of the same

  • peiy 7 years ago


  • VIKAS DRALL 8 years ago

    plz provide the reason/explanation for your answer so when we check the answer we can get the reason for that also for it or we will never repeat it again

  • rishabh 8 years ago

    how do i get the rules for sentence correction??

  • Sachin Bhardwaj 8 years ago

    I really like the site.. its really helpful a lot.. Even I will refer more people on this site. its great.. thanks

  • Shreya Verma 9 years ago

    It will be more helpful to us if u provide the grammar rules related to error :)

    mastguru 9 years ago replied

    Sure Shreya, we are preparing that and soon we will adding them.. stay tuned !

    mastguru 8 years ago replied

    Thank you Sachin for kind feedback !

    mastguru 8 years ago replied

    Hi Rishabh pls practice as much as you can as many questions asked are tricky and we will also prepare general set of rules and will make live !

  • Jaspreet 9 years ago

    Its heading towards disaster .Kindly check .

  • mandeep 9 years ago

    very helpful site....

    mastguru 9 years ago replied

    Thank you Mandeep !

  • poonam rajpal 9 years ago

    sir can u send me the fill in the blanks of verbal ability for openmat entrance exam....

    mastguru 9 years ago replied

    Hi Poonam, Actually no one can guess what exactly will be the questions, but here you can get fair idea that what type of questions will come, after that you need to do practice for it. Best wishes for exam !!!

  • RATNA CHAKRABORTY 9 years ago

    If possible plz give the explanation of sentence correction..

  • Raju 10 years ago

    Thank u master...for ur works on verious topics. Requesting for Qsns regaeding civil service.

    mastguru 10 years ago replied

    Thank you Raju for your feedback..

  • durgesh 10 years ago

    please give explanation of every questions..??

  • mayank Purwar 10 years ago

    This is very useful for preparation but try to give us ans with description like grammatical rules.......

  • desil 10 years ago

    plsss..give the answer with small explanation...

  • Sushma 10 years ago

    upload political parties and their symbols and national parks are in??

  • Sushma 10 years ago

    if possiblegive explanations for each answer in sentence correction.

    mastguru 10 years ago replied

    Sure Vani we will work on it soon.. thanks for your feedback.

  • Neha Sharma 10 years ago

    very good site for preparation thanks .... i need one extra thing in idioms you explained with example that really helps a lot, Like that if you provide why this substitution is done here either because of tense or preposition etc.

    mastguru 10 years ago replied

    Welcome Neha ji,
    Shortly will work on this too..
    Thanks for dropping by your valuable feedback.

  • xyz 10 years ago

    the interface could be improved by putting it like a test...

  • anukunagalakshmi 10 years ago

    we have answers not directly

  • dharam 11 years ago

    good collection. but answers are not there.

    mastguru 11 years ago replied

    Dear Dharam, Every question on is given with answer. Please click on "View answer" link below every question.